New York shoppers get ready because Black Friday is here. Thanksgiving holiday sales events can bring together large masses of people, which puts shoppers at risk of severe injury in New York premise liability accidents when crowd management precautions are lacking in retail stores or shopping venues.
If merchants in the retail industry are going to advertise sales spectaculars and special events for Black Friday, they better be prepared to keep shoppers and workers safe. Our Queens personal injury lawyers remember when a worker was trampled and killed at a Black Friday sales event back in 2008 and hope that retailers throughout New York have learned from that tragic lesson.
The U.S. Department of Labor released a crowd management guideline for retailers to use to prevent injuries at Black Friday sales events.
“Crowd control is critical to preventing injuries and deaths,” said OSHA Assistant Secretary Dr. David Michaels.
The responsibility lies in the hands of retailers and businesses to keep crowd management under control. Through persistent planning and event set-up, businesses can reduce injuries caused by large crowds or shoppers scurrying to get to sale items. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration highlights these important keys to crowd management:
-Have plenty of trained security or police officers in place throughout the store and at entrances to maintain crowd management issues that arise.
-Provide training sessions to all full-time and seasonal employees about controlling shoppers or over-sized crowds. Allow time for questions or concerns about what to do in emergency situations.
-Establish barricades or rope lines to help the flow of foot traffic and keep congested areas away from entrances or exits.
-Have an emergency plan in place which includes how to address and correct situations involving overcrowding, being struck by a crowd, violent acts and crowd rushing.
-When the building has reached the maximum capacity, cut shoppers off at the entrance until space becomes available.
-Post plenty of signage or posters to direct shoppers to check-out lines, exit locations or customer service areas.
-Keep shoppers with disabilities away from large crowds by providing them with a separate entrance.
IT World offers shoppers the following tips to help avoid injuries on Black Friday:
-Establish situation awareness by knowing what is going on around you outside and inside a store.
-If you notice mob behavior starting or going on around you, move away from the area.
-Shop with a family member or friend rather than shop alone in case an emergency situation arises.
-Charge your cell phone prior to shopping and keep it with you in case of emergencies.
-Obey directions or instructions given by store personnel or security to avoid the risk of injury in large crowds.
-If you are shopping for a “hot sale” item, look for it online to avoid mob scenes at participating store locations.
If you have been seriously injured at a holiday sales event or want to pursue a premise liability claim in Manhattan, Queens or the surrounding areas, contact the accident attorneys at the Law Offices of Nicholas Rose, PLLC for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your case. Call 1-877-313-ROSE (7673) to speak with an experienced injury lawyer today.
Additional Resources:
Black Friday shopping safety tips, by Jim Lynch, IT World.
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